Friday, December 7, 2012

What Is The Recommended Keyword Density For My Site And How Will It Affect My Rankings?

What is keyword density?

First let's start off by defining exactly what keyword density is.

Keyword density is the number of times a work or phrase appears on a web page in comparison with the total number of words on that page.

In other words, it is simply referring to the number of times you use that specific keyword versus all the other words on that page.

What is my sites recommended keyword density?

Simply put, the recommended keyword density for your site cannot be summed up into one figure. Sadly enough, the search engines just don't encapsulate it into one number across all markets. For some sites, having a density of 1% may suffice for good rankings and for others it simply is just not enough.

The basic rule of thumb has always been 3% to 5%, or 1-3 repetitions for every 100 words used on a page. However, placing too much emphasis on your keyword can also be considered stuffing and will actually have an adverse effect and lead to lower rankings. As with most things, the law of diminishing returns plays a role in ranking for specific words and phrases.

More importantly, your focus should be on providing content that can be consumed and understood clearly. Not only will this help keep a reader engaged, but it will also keep them browsing your site longer and more often.

Why is keyword density important?

It is necessary that you understand why keyword density is important, and how it can affect the ranking of your website. Keywords or key phrases are terms that regular internet users use in order to search for information on the internet. Searchers punch these words or phrases into the search engine, looking for specific results.

How important is Keyword Density as it pertains to Search Engine Optimization? The answer is simple: if you're thinking too much about a recommended keyword density figure, you're probably using your words and phrases more than you need to.

Where to put your keywords

With the above being said, to optimize a site, one should take a few main variables into account. Implementing the following correctly will undoubtedly boost your rankings among the search engines:

Title Tag - The title tag is an optimal place to use your long tail keywords. The title tag consists of those words you see at the top of your browser window in the blue space located in the tab, and it is what search engines grab for the title display in their search results. Needless to say, it's an important part of your search engine optimization strategy. Here's an example: [long tail keyword] - How To [long tail keyword].

Headline - This could be the most crucial place to put your long tail keyword. In an effort to save time, most people who read the Web scan Web pages very rapidly. This is why headlines are so important - they give your reader a chance to get what they need, fast, with less hassle (again, back to that great user experience). Use your word or phrase again in the headline: How To [long tail keyword].

Content - This is the place to write your keyword phrases into your site content. Also, this is where most people get caught up because it's easy to just write that keyword phrase where ever that keyword phrase might fit into where the keyword phrase could go (see what I mean? sounds terrible!). Be natural about it - again, the recommended keyword density varies per site.

Focus on making your site sound as fluid and conversational as possible while providing the content that the user is searching for. Make this your priority while optimizing the title tag, headline and content and you will surely see your rankings climb!

Google+ and Its Effect on Your Company's Marketing Campaigns   Three Reasons to Utilize Website Marketing Services   How to Get Traffic Using Offline Methods   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   

Promoting Your Business Through SEO Writing Services

In today's technical world, there are umpteen ways to promote your business. One of the easiest ways is to uphold your business is through SEO writing services. Various companies are competing to produce the best possible content for their websites to drive in maximum visitors. This in turn helps in encouraging and promoting their business. If the website is updated with informative and useful content, it is sure to invite more users to it. The content needs to written in simple language, devoid of grammatical errors.

While writing SEO content, you have to particularly careful about the proper usage of keywords. It is through these keywords that the ranking of your website is determined. Moreover, people who look for concrete information type certain keywords to get the result. Thus, writing for SEO means suitable use of keywords at proper places in the content. Excessive use of general or even different keywords might affect the ranking process negatively. Always separate various keywords with commas. Without this punctuation mark, the keywords are marked as a long phrase by search engines and this is sure to hamper your ranking.

SEO writing varies from blogging, marketing to press releases. Therefore, for writing SEO content, you require a talented writer who will professionally provide SEO writing services to promote your business. He will provide a link to the content, which will connect to your website. This entire process known as "back linking" and this helps in driving more traffic to your website. The writer places the keywords at vital places in the content and chooses appropriate keywords that will improve the ranking procedure.To promote your business through SEO writing, it is necessary to be aware about the current situation of your website. The content should be updated repeatedly, so that users visit your website frequently.

People tend to commit a common mistake while writing for SEO. At times, with the hope of achieving higher ranking they fill the website with irrelevant content. This is a grave mistake because visitors attracted by keywords might come to your website but finding it irrelevant will soon move away. This will automatically hamper your entire business process. So, make sure that the content has relevance to your website. We have entered into a new era when promoting a new business is not an enormous task. By following these SEO writing procedures, you can improve your business or make your clients and consumers aware of your various marketing strategies.

Google+ and Its Effect on Your Company's Marketing Campaigns   Three Reasons to Utilize Website Marketing Services   How to Get Traffic Using Offline Methods   How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   

How to Choose a Search Marketing Agency

The desperate rise in popularity of Internet has created a buzz in the business world, where companies and individual service providers have understood the need to reach out to their targeted masses through online media. The hugely aggressive competition on internet has made it really hard for all businesses to win the race. This is where the importance of a professional Search Engine Optimization service provider comes to play its role. A professional search marketing agency understands what it needs for a business website to rank well on the Search Engines, and what extra should be done with site to make it capable of generating revenue for the business.

With the passage of time, more and more business units are trying to exploit the online avenues, including search engines to generate more business. Although its seemingly quite easy to rank well on the search engines to drive in voluminous traffic to your business website, it's actually not so! Strategically formulating a promotional process is the key to a success story. An internet marketing firm can effectively build strategies for optimizing a business website for the search engines. An experienced search marketing firm not only builds strategies for good ranking on the search engines, but also keeps in mind that the plan should be targeted towards generating valuable traffic that develops meaningful leads and real business. This is what we call ROI - Return on Investment. A business's Return on Investment on Internet Marketing or Search Engine Optimization is not measured on the number of keywords the site is being optimized to rank of the search engines. Rather it is valued on the volume of extra business the website is generating after the SEO is done and the site is ranked well on the major search engines for the set of targeted keywords.

While choosing an internet marketing partner for your online business, it is essentially necessary to check out company's reputation in the industry. Having served at least a few thousands of clients all over the world by developing their websites and satisfying their specific web related needs, many companies have come up with the newly build SEO department. Search Marketing is relatively new as a business, and have been quite profitable also. It is therefore to be remembered that several companies and agencies have been cropping up to serve you with search promotion services. Not all amongst them are reliable. It is mandatory to check out their portfolio. Internet Marketing and SEO is not a one man show. Professional SEO agencies are run by a team of skilled experts, who are technically backed with extensive domain knowledge. Keeping these in mind, I think, will help you choose the right firm for your business.

Google+ and Its Effect on Your Company's Marketing Campaigns   Three Reasons to Utilize Website Marketing Services   How to Get Traffic Using Offline Methods   3 Reasons Quality Content Is Crucial to Your Internet Marketing Plan   How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   

Choose Your Road to Fame - SEO Optimization by Topic and Concept

Nobody doubts that Sandra Fluke is an expert at controversy, sexual misconduct or birth control, after recent political escapades. They might, however, question her logic as an attorney, since her argument for contraception has fallen rather flat in the uh... "social media" court room.

The road you choose to fame may determine the acknowledgement you get when you arrive.

Known for integrity, community impact and diverse communications skills, there are a vast number of people who have arrived at the same level of recognition, their identity in tact, through controversy, radical thought processes and multi-media popularity. Speaking out on a controversial topic isn't necessarily a bad thing, nor is it always detrimental to your reputation.

The topic and concept you choose to make your claim to fame based upon might be more effective if you stand on a road with less controversy, and yet, nothing sells like sex or controversy, so those are definitely faster methods of being heard and recognized. If those are not the topics you prefer to be recognized for, however, you might want to avoid them.

Marketing choices make a difference.

Effective power marketing for your topic can bring your business brand recognition to the top of the SEO charts as fast as controversial sex talk, by creating a stir within your marketing community. Your name, your topic and your concept can be at the top of the search pages using simple marketing techniques and strategies that get you known, grab attention for your product or service and bring valuable recognition to your signature brand.

Press release options drive recognition.

Stepping into the media with a massive press release that captivates an audience from the start up could change your power structure to one of brand recognition and high drive. Controversy of any kind can bring stardom to the hedge of conceptual attainment. Where are you going with your product? Does it stand out in any audience? Is your name on it? Have you got a recognizable following in any marketing niche?

Bikers race for it! Better health. Media acclaim. Visibility from the front of the crowd. Top of the mountain. Ultimate pleasure. Recognition. What is your drive for the top of the heap? Where are you going and why?

Social media worthiness and popularity.

As a marketer you have to stay on top of your game, no matter what your topic, you need a place to rend your topic heard, open up discussion and audience, drive and motivate buyers. The value of high profile social media in a popular market is indisputable.

Google+ and Its Effect on Your Company's Marketing Campaigns   Three Reasons to Utilize Website Marketing Services   How to Get Traffic Using Offline Methods   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   

RSS Feeds For Your Blogs Or Websites - A Few Reasons Why Should Automate Your Postings

It can be tedious to continuously write new content for your website or your blog. I'm sure that you know how important it is to always have fresh content on available, especially for your blog. However, you may not have the time to keep them updated, and that is especially true if you have multiple blogs and or websites to update. The trick is to sign up for an RSS service. There are many such services on the internet, so just go to your favorite search engine and take a look at some of them.

RSS feeds will provide many benefits to you, so it is definitely worth checking them out.

1) One of the main factors that the search engines are looking for is fresh, current content. If someone can provide their blogs or websites with continuously updated content, then they will be rewarded with higher search engine rankings which will translate into more visitors and more sales.

2) By maintaining current content on your blogs and website, you are going to be able to attract a specific audience that is going to follow your blog or website on a regular basis. The more often that you can update your content, the more loyal your followers are going to become. The more loyal and comfortable that they become with your website or your blog, then the more comfortable that they are going to be as a customer.

3) By having all of the content that you write be delivered automatically to your websites or blogs, you are going to be able to save so much time. You just write your content once, and then it gets fed out to all of your sites automatically. What a wonderful thing! Imagine the amount of time that you are going to save and be able to focus your time and effort on other ways of making money.

4) Because the search engines are always on the look out for current content, it is great to have your content automatically delivered so that the search engines will be able to find it more easily. After you have fed your new article or whatever out to your blogs, then you can ping them so that the search engines will be able to find and index them more quickly. That will result in higher, speedier postings.

Please visit to get more information on RSS feeds as well as many other tips and tricks to become a successful internet marketer. You'll also be able to download a FREE report about how using PROVEN online marketing techniques will help you make a lot more money.

What's an RSS Feed?   How to Make Money Online With RSS Feed Submitter and Twitter   RSS and Its Role in Search Engine Optimization   RSS - What it is and Why It's Great   New eBook Reveals How to Massively Increase RSS Subscribers   

RSS Submission Service

RSS Submission service resolves one of the important issues that most website owners' face that's traffic and being in contact with their customer. RSS means "really simple syndication" and it's a way for you to publish your content over the Internet. This simply means that you can get all of the updates from your favorite websites in a single place, rather than having to visit to each site to check if there are any new posts of articles.

A good RSS feed is just a machine readable version of your site activity checklist. It enables a website to give a live stream of updates in a structure that may be used in your internet browser, email customer or on your favorite media reader application. A feed or an RSS Feed is an inclusive element of online promotion of a blog and can help your blog:

1. To get listed faster.

2. To acquire automatic backlinks each time you post.

3. To rank in the big search engines in an exceedingly short time.

4. To become more popular and receive more subscribers.

Among the better top reasons to get your RSS submitted to RSS directories is for obtaining back links from these RSS directory sites. Bloggers look in RSS directories for information to publish some posts on their blogs. Webmasters look in RSS directories to incorporate content material to their website. Consumers look in RSS directories for alternatives to add to their news readers. RSS Feed Submissions are usually one way linked and they provide immediate link popularity.

Most of the blogs today possess RSS feeds setup in them by default. And if you're an improved level website owner and understand the importance of RSS Feeds, you might have reviewed the methods of establishing an RSS Feed on your site as well. If you currently have RSS feed set up on your site, then that's fantastic. Nonetheless, just setting up the feed on your site or blog isn't enough if you are considering SEO rewards. You need to let the word out to the RSS directories and RSS engines regarding your feed URL. These engines can see your website and edge your feed real quick which enables easy syndication of the site articles.

RSS and blogging specialists recognize that submitting your feed to news directories may be the single most important marketing technique for your blog. Your RSS feed might be culled by other sites and blogs, effectively providing you free incoming links from all of them. You might leverage your existing content to increase your PR doing nothing further vexing than unleashing your RSS feed.

RSS submission service's reason for why it's popular nowadays is that a lot more people are utilizing RSS feeds to have daily updates. Search engine spiders also favour the site with RSS submission, because the content of these sites is constantly updated. RSS submission also assists in keeping existing clients because they are always aware of the updates that you need to provide. Added benefit is the fact that updating is automatic. RSS feed submission service is increasing ground because of its ability to deliver quality traffic. RSS submission will give your website publicity and opportunity that will help you in increasing your business.

What's an RSS Feed?   Getting Unfair Advantage With RSS Feeds   Syndicating Your Content to Promote Your Small Business   How to Make Money Online With RSS Feed Submitter and Twitter   RSS and Its Role in Search Engine Optimization   RSS - What it is and Why It's Great   

What is an RSS Feed and What Are the Benefits of RSS?

An RSS Feed stands for really simple syndication and basically they are a representation of a website in order of most recent entry first. They are commonly used by news websites to provide news headlines in a feed format so that users do not have to go to the website to find out the news every-time. It is quite simple to set up one as well as use one to help you get all the information you need quickly, without having to browse to dozens of websites everyday. Whilst they are becoming quite popular among the internet savvy crowd of today, the large majority of the online community are unaware on how to use them and how they can benefit from them. If you have the opportunity you should take the time out to sit down and take an online computer tutorial on how to use RSS feeds because they will change the way you think about many websites.

Windows Vista and the newer Windows 7 have gadgets on the desktop, if you do not know how to use gadgets yet, please take a look at the video tutorials that are available online. Once you know how to use gadgets you will find there is a RSS Feed headline gadget that will allow you to read the latest news headlines, whilst these default headlines are not relevant to you, imagine if you could get the latest headlines say, for a video game website that you like. So every time you turn your computer on, and it connects to the internet it checks the feed for the website and puts all of the headlines from each news story in order of most recent. This is a huge time saver but so very few people are yet to use this type of feature at all. Many sites now have switched over to WordPress formats and blog type formats, as the user you might not be able to notice this but it means great things in the way of RSS feeds because these content management systems (CMS) like WordPress allow for easy to access RSS feeds for your PC. Once you have a website on these formats you can provide a link to your readers to get your information in a neat readable format.

In order to get the most from RSS as a user you should make sure that you are collecting RSS feeds from all the websites that are important to you. After a few short hours of using them you will wonder why you spent all that time trolling the internet for the latest news. If you have any trouble trying to set up an RSS feed application you should consult a computer tutorial for a step by step guide on how to get the most benefits from them.

What's an RSS Feed?   Getting Unfair Advantage With RSS Feeds   Syndicating Your Content to Promote Your Small Business   RSS and Its Role in Search Engine Optimization   

Simple Trick to Keeping Up With Blog Posts Or Anything With a RSS Feed

There are feeds on the internet that help one keep up with blogs, videos, and other information online. Learn how to identify these feeds and how a feed reader will keep these organized.

There was a time where keeping up with the latest websites meant occasionally viewing the homepage and seeing if there were any updates. It was a fairly manual process. As the internet changed, this became much easier for people because of what are called RSS feeds.

In most browsers you will see an orange icon somewhere on the address bar. If not, you will notice that similar orange icon somewhere on the page if that page has a feed. A feed is the basic information from that page's content or the video itself. This feed can be put into a reader so that you can read and watch that content there.

Google Reader is one of the most popular feed reader programs to use. If you don't want to use this one, there are hundreds of free ones to pick from. Take your favorite blogs and video streams and add them to your reader. Now you have one place to check for updates to all this content. This can save considerable time in the long run since you don't have to check multiple places for the information.

The advantage of this is that you can customize the sources of information that you see on a daily basis. It's like your own personal magazine or newspaper where you can browse headlines and read the content you want. The nice thing about the online feed readers is that you can access this content from any computer and from any phone that works with the internet.

Once you figure out how rss feeds and feed readers work, you will find yourself at a point where you get through tons more content in less time only reading the things you are most interested in. This means that you can get more of what you want in less time and stay more informed.

What's an RSS Feed?   Getting Unfair Advantage With RSS Feeds   Syndicating Your Content to Promote Your Small Business   How to Make Money Online With RSS Feed Submitter and Twitter   RSS and Its Role in Search Engine Optimization   RSS - What it is and Why It's Great   

For Those About to RSS - We Salute You!

What does RSS mean?

RSS is the abbreviation for Rich Site Summary and Really Simple Syndication. RSS is a XML file format for syndicating content news and information in the web. It is used by websites that frequently update their content such as news websites, marketing websites, and personal blogs.

RSS feeds give users the possibility to track numerous blogs and news sources all at the same time. You want this technology for your business! Think about all those potential customers that will receive the latest news from you and maybe will decide to buy.

Aside from being a great communication method that takes care of the communication needs of various sectors, RSS tools and feeds can also offer great benefits in your business, particularly in the field of internet marketing.

To produce an RSS feed, you need the content of the article that you want to publicize and a validated RSS text file. First, you have to download a software (content management system), by which XML format can be read. Beside just text, you can also insert multimedia files in RSS feeds like pictures, videos, mp3s and others.

Advantages of RSS

One big advantage is that RSS allows users to subscribe to a Web site. Content can then be automatically downloaded to a computer.

It allows users to get the latest, information immediately. This technology not only works with text but also with audio and video content.

Web contents about your business can now be automatically updated on a daily basis. Internet users will have immediate access to information about new products and other business-related releases. Visitors will have personalized content services, allowing them total control of the type of information that they receive and read. Depending on their needs, visitors can subscribe to only those categories that they are interested in.

Another important advantage of RSS is that traffic will be directed to your site as readers of your content summary will find the information interesting and will then click the link to your site. With this new RSS technology, your business can be displayed by almost any external site, giving you an easy way to expand and advertise.

What's an RSS Feed?   Getting Unfair Advantage With RSS Feeds   How to Make Money Online With RSS Feed Submitter and Twitter   RSS - What it is and Why It's Great   New eBook Reveals How to Massively Increase RSS Subscribers   Syndicating Your Content to Promote Your Small Business   

Can RSS Increase Traffic and Better Retain Your Viewership?

Really Simple Syndication - How to Make your Favorite Content Come to You

Syndication, by definition, is making available content to simultaneous sources for publication. So, for example, a columnist may write a weekly column that gets published by many different newspapers simultaneously nation wide. Syndication is not exclusive to columns or articles; in today's world, whatever content you can imagine has the potential to become a syndicated work.

So what does this mean in today's world of internet marketing? I want to answer this with a question. Would you invest time, effort, creativity, and money into a billboard without leaving a phone number or website allowing your audience to contact you? Let's Imagine for a moment that you designed the world's greatest billboard and it was guaranteed to convert 90% of all exposed to the billboards content. Of course the answer is no. The entire purpose of erecting a billboard is to advertise to the largest audience possible allowing the viewers a means or a method of contacting your business or service. Would it be worth your time to go through all of that effort and not create a means whereby all of those who are interested in your product could easily follow up with your content? You work too hard to obtain new customers with the efforts you are putting into your marketing but what are you doing to maintain your position as the customers number one supplier of the goods they are interested in? How are you reaching out to those customers or potential buyers if you are focusing so much time and effort into new and creative content?

It sounds silly, but believe it or not this phenomena happens all of the time. Marketers focus so much on the content and making sure whatever is being created is engaging, fun, witty, and clever many times they rely on their viewers to come to them anytime content is published. Many amateur web content creators such as fan sites, small businesses, and bloggers accept the timeless phrase coined in Field of Dreams, "If you build it, they will come." True for Kevin Costner but for the internet marketer this will only lead to discouragement and disappointment. After you've caught their attention once, you've built it, advertised it, they came, now how do you keep them there?

And of course there is the flip side. Many content readers waste hours daily searching the content they find interesting by having to visit each site individually. They visit their top 5 favorite blogs on a daily basis to see if there is anything new, or they'll visit Google News, or Yahoo news, or any news site available. I know people who spend hours scouring the local news websites religiously in an effort to stay up-to-date with the world surrounding them.

Why do they do it? Because that's how we've been trained, is always the answer I come up with. Back in the olden days we would go to the magazine stand, or the newspaper stand to get the news we seek. Eventually newspaper made it easier by offering a delivery service, and people were content in reading the newspaper in the comfort of their own home, on their own time, without having to run out to get the information that engages them. If a service like this was valued so highly then why don't we think to do that now? You can and I'm going to explain that right now.

RSS & Your Web Content

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and it really is exactly what the name states. Imagine in your mind any blog, or news website you've visited lately and see if you can remember seeing a little orange box with rounded edges, with and dot and two curved lines leaning off to the side above it. This icon is usually off to the side of the content or near the bottom. That is your newspaper delivery boy and a large part of content viewers don't know how to use it. RSS makes it possible to syndicate your content to those customers you've already reached out to and keeps them appraised of the new content you create almost as quickly as you can create it. RSS makes it possible to retain those who are engaged in your website, product or service. So, now you know who the delivery boy is you need to give him somewhere to deliver your content to.

RSS readers take all of the feeds and display them in a central location. It's like the delivery boy (RSS feed) collects all of the feeds and brings them to your home. Google has a reader that is great for this! This is the perfect delivery system for the company who wants to easily get their content out there, and perfect for the consumer who wants to keep up to date. Many people don't understand how to use the RSS feature on blogs and websites. This is a shame because it makes the serious web-surfer a master of web content delivery.

Even at the top of this article is the orange RSS box. just mouse over it and look at the explanation it gives. It even supplies you with a direct link into a RSS reader, making it easy to subscribe to.

So find the reader that would best suit your needs. Start collecting RSS feeds and pointing them to your reader, and begin to enjoy all of your favorite content brought to you from the comfort of a single RSS reader.

What's an RSS Feed?   Getting Unfair Advantage With RSS Feeds   How to Make Money Online With RSS Feed Submitter and Twitter   RSS - What it is and Why It's Great   

Easy Backlink Building With RSS

Are you building contextual one way back links with your RSS Feed? If you are webmaster and you are already using RSS Feeds to help promote your website, you still may be missing out on one of the most powerful RSS Tips out there. Many people are glad to see the title to their post show up as a link on different sites that display and aggregate various RSS Feeds and this is a nice bonus of RSS and atom site feeds alike. However, there is another way you can be getting a lot more out of every new post you make to you site and get more link juice for absolutely free.

The information I am going to share with you here is usually hidden away in some $100.00 program or is something that you may find a application for sale that will do for you. Instead of trying to separate you and your money, I plan on showing you how easy it is to automatically build back links using your existing RSS Feed. This simple, yet effective RSS tip has changed the way many people think about link building and how they market each and every website they own.

If you decide to implement this powerful RSS trick on your own websites, you will be sure to see the benefit very fast if you are syndicating your feed to many sites. To maximize your efforts, you need to be getting your feed out to as many RSS feed aggregators as possible. The more places you get your RSS feed seen and distributed to, the more free back links your site or blog will receive.

Each site will most likely see different results depending on the infomration you are sharing on your site. If you are sharing about topics that are very popular and are getting many searches, you will see lot more results than if you are sharing about something that does not get a lot of play. Many times it is best to do your keyword research before you choose a topic or title for your content. By choosing good keywords in your title, you willl be sure to get a lot more exposure, the title tags are automatically passed on in your RSS feed as well!

5 Steps To Automate Link Building Using RSS

Make sure your RSS feed is valid, by using an RSS feed validator. Choose keyword phrases that are valid to your website. Link directly to deep pages, this is more helpful as far as seo goes, than simply linking to your home page, but you can link it up as well. Place these links in the very first line of your blog posts. Syndicate your RSS feed far and wide! O.K. It sounds pretty simple right?

Of course it does, it is simple. There is nothing magical about this RSS technique, besides the fact that most people do not do this. In effect what you are doing is assuring that your extra (free back link) is in a section of your post that will be guaranteed to be syndicated no matter what site or service picks up your feed.

There are some RSS websites and services that will syndicate your complete post and content, if you feed is setup to distribute the full post. However, most of the RSS distribution services will only show the first few lines or so many characters of your post. If you add the link of your choosing right off the bat, you will assure that it get posted on any site that is using or displaying your feed. Since many of the most popular RSS sites have a high page rank, Google will be sure to love these links.

If you need help finding out how to get your feed out to many RSS feed sites, you can always visit us at RSS 3.0 to get some free advice and RSS tips to do just that.

What's an RSS Feed?   Getting Unfair Advantage With RSS Feeds   How to Make Money Online With RSS Feed Submitter and Twitter   RSS - What it is and Why It's Great   

Submitting Your Squidoo RSS Feed

Have you recently gotten a Squidoo lens created or created one yourself and now you are trying to get it picked up by the search engines? There are a lot of different things that you can do to alert the search engines that your Squidoo lenses exist, but submitting your RSS feed is one of the fastest ways that you will be able to syndicate your lenses to different sites. If you have been trying to figure out how to create a feed and where you can submit it then you will want to make sure that you get these tips so that you will know what to do.

The first thing that you will want to do is locate the RSS feed on Squidoo so that you will be able to get the RSS URL link that you need to submit it to different sites. In order to locate your feed you will want to make sure that you are viewing your Squidoo lens in normal mode which is the way that a visitor would see it if they were to find it in the search engine or through following a link. You will then look up in the browser bar and you will be able to see the orange RSS icon located on the right side of your browser. You will click that orange button and you will be taken to the RSS page for your lens. You will then copy the link that is up in the browser. This is the RSS feed URL link that you need to submit to the RSS sites.

There are a lot of different RSS sites that you will be able to find to submit your link to. You can submit it to any site that supports offers RSS submissions, but it is always best to find one that is large and will submit your feed to a lot of different places. It is also helpful to ping your feed in order to syndicate it even further.

When you submit your Squidoo RSS feed you will be able to alert the search engines that your lens exists so that they will be able to start indexing it. This is one of the fastest ways that you will be able to get your lens picked up so that you can start receiving visitors to it almost immediately. There are a lot of other ways that you will be able to promote your Squidoo lens that you will want to learn about, but submitting your RSS feed is one of the best ways to get indexed quickly.

What's an RSS Feed?   Getting Unfair Advantage With RSS Feeds   How to Make Money Online With RSS Feed Submitter and Twitter   RSS - What it is and Why It's Great   

What is RSS and How to Use it?

RSS (really simple syndication) is used to subscribe or syndicate to the blog, website feed or any online media content which is helpful is caching and hence guided to more traffic. While syndicating, we subscribe to feed of website which actually means that now you do not need to visit the site for latest content. Rather one can use the website or the feed reading software to read the updated content, articles. Rather than visiting each and every websites individually one can easily collect the feeds of all the different web sites and keep them in one place. Thus you can efficiently read the content which is your favorite.

You do not require knowing about XML, if you are not involved in a technical side of an internet. It is actually a formatting language which websites and software use to disperse content to the feed readers. Even if you do not have any idea about HTML either, then also you do not require knowing about XML. Just simply understand the concept that behind the syndication, the language is XML.

RSS feed reader

You can install the software to your system and can learn how to make use of it, once you will subscribe to the first feed, you will become quite familiar. If you will get stuck with anything than check the website guidelines or check the help menu.

Web based reader

You need to use the computer where you have installed the software, so that you can have an access to the feeds. Due to this reason many people use a web based feed reader, where you can access the online feeds from any of the computer which is connected to the web. Thus you can share your feeds or search the feed lists of people to know the popular things.

Syndication is more than just blogs

Most of the companies are putting subscription feeds available for the content, so the chances are if you reading an article from any website than you can easily subscribe to the particular feed, you just need to look for the RSS symbol.

What's an RSS Feed?   Getting Unfair Advantage With RSS Feeds   How to Make Money Online With RSS Feed Submitter and Twitter   RSS - What it is and Why It's Great   Syndicating Your Content to Promote Your Small Business   RSS and Its Role in Search Engine Optimization   

RSS Feeds Submission - Advantages of Getting One

If you are creating a new website or you have an existing website that you want to improve or you want to increase traffic, RSS feeds submission is one thing that you can do with it so you will get wider audience and you get to grow your traffic.

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication that allows your online readers to get updates of your site as soon as there are new contents added on it. On the other hand, you can also add feeds in your website to increase your ranking in the search engine. The higher you rank in the search engines, the more visitors you will get for your website. In the online world, more visitors or good traffic can be translated into bigger opportunities to make money from your blog or your website.

If you are a website owner who wants to put an feed on your site, one advantage of having feeds is that, you get updated news every now and then, and as the search engines acknowledge these updates as new contents, your site will be more search engine friendly. That is, you will increase your search engine rankings even if you don't update your site every day.

Of course, if online readers find your website or blog interesting, then RSS feeds submission allows them to easily visit your website again and again without having to look for it somewhere. It also helps provide your readers with updated information even if you don't have new contents in your site.

This is also a good alternative than subscribing newsletters via email, which can grow annoying and less inviting to read. On the other hand, if you allow your readers to subscribe to your updates via RSS feed, it also increases your web traffic as you get your links published in their websites or blogs.

If you are just starting with a new blog, you can opt to choose platforms that automatically generated feeds like those in Blogger and WordPress. RSS feed submissions can also be done by software specialized to create such.

You can also create an RSS feed manually, that is if you understand HTML. If you don't want to make it so time consuming and difficult, getting a software that can help you generate RSS feeds easily is a wise option. You can also visit sites that will generate your RSS code for you, and all you have to do is copy and paste them on your website.

You can also submit your feed to RSS feeds submission services which then publish your feeds to directories. This will allow your updates to be published to directories and exposed to more online readers.

Indeed, RSS feeds submission can be useful in your website. Especially if you are into internet marketing or you are running an internet business, you to get to have updates right on your website and you can also share information as well and earn more traffic on the process.

What's an RSS Feed?   Getting Unfair Advantage With RSS Feeds   How to Make Money Online With RSS Feed Submitter and Twitter   RSS - What it is and Why It's Great   Syndicating Your Content to Promote Your Small Business   RSS and Its Role in Search Engine Optimization   

RSS Feeds - What Are They? And How to Use Them

RSS feeds are being used for decades or more but recently, it is now more commonly being used. The purpose of this feed is to present the headlines & summaries of the particular information in brief and unvarying way at one place, without facing the hassle to visit different website across the internet. They have the ability to gather information from different sources and provide you at your place.

RSS is an abbreviation for Really Simple Syndication (even though the versions before RSS 2.0 were known by different names). XML is the computer language in which RSS feeds are composed. This technology is responsible for making big news in websites possible. Files of RSS are used for creating data feed which sends out headlines, links and/or virtually any type or any chunk of information to channel viewer application, sometimes also known as news reader.

In simple way, it can be said that RSS Feed is a technique that lets web contents to be created into a identifiable form for viewing with the help of feed reader. It also lets the users to save their time and strength by viewing the same recent content from different websites, while there is no need to visit the websites individually.

RSS or news feeds have grown quickly and become an integral part or tool of the Internet however many users do not recognize what they are. These feeds let the people to see the new contents added in their favorite websites without opening the website.

RSS feeds can be used to keep in touch with the new posts from your favorite websites and blogs. Feeds can be used easily to get the most updated news, movies, or weather, while being capable of reading them at one place. RSS technology also provides you the ability of updating the other websites by your information in seconds while being online. Informative articles, headlines, sports news, favorite food recipes, or website updates are merely few things that can easily be syndicated.

These days RSS feeds are used by many people on their Google page or Yahoo page to get their desired latest updates. These feeds can also be used with any groups you are linked with for keeping them informed. They are extremely beneficial in searching your desired updates.

For instance, Google groups are free service for online community and group discussion. Google groups can be observed by using RSS feeds. Now in order to be in touch through a certain newsgroup, just add simply "/feed/msgs.xml" at the end of URL of Google Group. Now in your RSS reader, add this new URL and receive latest updates every time whenever an addition of a new post occurs to the particular newsgroup.

These feeds can be very beneficial for the online marketing. If you are in seek for promoting your website, by using RSS can get you website address listed with all the search engines in very quick order. Proper arrangements and vast information is needed for success in online marketing.

What's an RSS Feed?   Getting Unfair Advantage With RSS Feeds   How to Make Money Online With RSS Feed Submitter and Twitter   RSS - What it is and Why It's Great   

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